David Bird

Valuer Principal / Director

A.A.P.I  Certified Practising Valuer
NSW Rgn 2485 (Unrestricted) • QLD Rgn 3412

David is the principal of Kohler Bird Valuers. He has worked solely and constantly as a property valuer since 1983, covering Sydney and its environs, as well as coastal and country NSW, and over this time period gained extensive experience in all areas of real estate valuation, ranging from residential through commercial, industrial, investment and tourist/entertainment properties. David has over 30 years experience throughout all areas and property types in NSW, he holds registration as a valuer in Queensland, with expertise in coastal and prestige residential property.

His area of specialisation is in litigation and expert witness valuation along with prestige residential property and commercial rental assessment, which has become the main sphere within which Kohler Bird Valuers operates.

David has carried out valuations for litigation purposes throughout his career and has appeared as an expert witness in numerous matters in the Family Court of Australia, Federal Magistrates Court, NSW District Court, Supreme Court, Land and Environment Court, and the Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal.

Summary of David’s expertise


Mobile:  0418 231 302
Email: david@kohlerbird.com.au

Timothy White

Senior Valuer

A.A.P.I  Certified Practising Valuer
NSW Rgn 6171 (Unrestricted)

Tim is a Senior Valuer of Kohler Bird Valuers. He has worked solely and constantly as a property valuer since 1998, covering Sydney and its environs, and over this time period has gained extensive experience in all areas of real estate valuation, ranging from residential through commercial, industrial, and investment properties.  Tim has been a part of the Kohler Bird Valuation Team for some 15 years as the Mortgage Valuation Team Manager and Senior Valuer. Over the past 4 years Tim has been working along side David Bird in the area of Family Law and Litigation Valuations.

Summary of Tim’s expertise


Mobile: 0413 43 66 49
Email: tim@kohlerbird.com.au

Kristen Bird

Finance, Accounts & Administration

Kristen has been working in the finance, accounts, administration and business planning area of Kohler Bird Valuers for 20 years. In addition, Kristen has extensive experience in property development, residential sub divisions, residential home design and building management.


Mobile: 0413 43 66 55
Email: kristen@kohlerbird.com.au

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