Our depth of expertise qualifies us to accept instruction in the following areas:
Family Law
Family Law Litigation for the Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court;
Adversarial or Shadow Expert valuation advice in Family Law or other matters;
Family Law matters prior to formal court proceedings and for initial negotiation, mediation, conciliation conferencing and provision agreements.
Estate dispute or provisioning matters;
Supreme Court or District Court real property dispute matters.
Prestige Residential;
Easement or partial holdings valuations;
Acquisition or resumption valuations either partial or whole property;
Retrospective valuation matters over any time period;
Specialist fair market value assessments;
Hypothetical or development valuation issues;
Professional indemnity valuation consultancy and legal proceedings;
Mortgagee, administrator or liquidator appointed property.
Rental Determinations
Rental assessment appointments in the case of:
Insurance | Strata | Private
Insurance replacement and re-instatement;
Strata Owner’s Corporation valuations for insurance, re-allocation of unit entitlements, common property issues or any associated matters;
Privately instructed valuations for specific purposes.